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For my video blogs, check out my YouTube channel. Make sure to also join my Facebook community of like minded people who feel drawn to create from their hearts!

Natasa Stojanovic
Apr 9, 20244 min read
Myth: You don't need healing, just raise your vibration | or why raising vibration won't help you heal
Busting spiritual misunderstanding: you don't need to heal, just raise your vibration. REALLY?
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Natasa Stojanovic
Jun 3, 20234 min read
How to shift mindset and why it didn't work before
If you are on the path of living a life aligned with your soul’s calling and your highest dreams, you might have tried to shift some...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Apr 9, 20222 min read
Clearing your energy part 2
Do you know one of these scenarios? 1. You just went to get groceries, and as you come out from the shops, your energy level has...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Aug 19, 20211 min read
Why joy leads to your purpose!
When I heard for the first time, "simply follow your joy, that is your purpose" I thought yes, yes, another one of these high flying...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Jun 3, 20213 min read
Are you afraid of your power?
Did you know one of the biggest fears of us human beings is the fear of our own greatness and power?
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Natasa Stojanovic
Nov 9, 20203 min read
Powerful practice to bring you back to peace
Overwhelm does not come form the heart! As many people seem to feel overwhelm with what is going on, I felt guided to post a reminder of...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Sep 13, 20202 min read
Step into more ease and flow in extraordinary times!
Step into more ease and re-align with your inner knowing! Are you feeling far more tired, agitated, or easily triggered lately? Or even...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Jun 5, 20202 min read
There is no better time than now ...
... to take care of yourself! How come? You are here to co-create new Earth, not to go back to normal. Normal was destruction of the...
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Natasa Stojanovic
May 20, 20202 min read
Reclaiming your power
What would it feel like to have the energy to create all of your dreams? To be fully present with your children when you are with them?...
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Natasa Stojanovic
May 19, 20202 min read
✨Self care and consciousness ✨
Care in 3rd dimensional consciousness is commitment and discipline, mainly to movement, food, rest, meditation, social support. It is...
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Natasa Stojanovic
Nov 9, 20193 min read
Learn to dance in the storm as the warrior of the heart - fill your cup first!
These days, I am taking time to "fill my cup" as much as I can, while - actually because - I am experiencing a storm in my life. A very...
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